Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Muskegon's Cash Mob Recap

The Cash Mob at Continuity in Muskegon, MI was a success!  We had about 15-20 people show up... some before the set time and some after as well.  The Cash Mob also made front page news of the Muskegon Chronicle, so it was great publicity both for the cause and for the store.  Since last week Wednesday, there have been a couple other cash mobs in Muskegon arranged by other local people and groups.  This is great!  The local stores can definitely use the help and support.  We haven't determined which store West Michigan Jobs Group will hit up next, but we believe it will be sometime in early February and probably more in the evening.  Here is the link to the article that was in the paper:  Muskegon's First Cash Mob Designed to Boost Locally-Owned Businesses  Feel free to comment your thoughts, suggestions, feedback, etc on this Cash Mob concept or the event itself.  Thank you!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Muskegon's First Cash Mob!

So you have heard of "Flash Mobs" where people mixed in a crowd suddenly burst out in song or dance in the middle of a shopping mall or busy park, right? It's all the craze lately! Well a "Cash Mob" was inspired by those flash mobs but instead of singing and dancing it is shopping at a local store at a specific time. Cash Mobs having been catching on throughout the country! This is to give awareness to the store, give the local economy a boost, and have that overwhelming sense of goodwill during the holidays. This time of year is often the make it or break it time for local stores.

The West Michigan Jobs Group along with other volunteers are putting together Muskegon's very first CASH MOB! The store we have chosen is mob is Continuity downtown on Third St. We will all meet there at 4:30pm and agree to spend at least $20 (preferably cash so they don't have to pay credit card fees).  Let's show our support of this local business and if it is a big success we will try mobbing another local store sometime in the future.

From the Shop Local Movement Campaign:
- For every $1 spent at local businesses, 45¢ is reinvested locally. Non-local purchases keep, at most, 15¢ in your local community.
- Local businesses value, respect and appreciate your patronage.
- More tax dollars go to schools and roads in your community.

While on your shopping trip to Continuity, be sure to check out the other nearby local busiensses: Mia & Grace, The Valy Vietnamese Market, Brown Bag Boutique and Positiv-I-Teas.

See you Wednesday, December 14th at 4:30pm at Continuity and we will all just casually walk in and begin spending our $20. Can't wait!!