Friday, February 24, 2012

Muskegon Cash Mob appears on msnNOW

This morning I was going through my usual routine of getting in the shower, dressing, brushing teeth, makeup, hair... all the while checking my smartphone every few minutes because the green light (indicating I have either new email or text messages) kept blinking.  Most of the new emails I was receiving was notifications from Facebook indicating that new people have "liked" our Muskegon County Cash Mobs page.  We had been averaging one new like or two a day since the last cash mob a few weeks ago, so to have about 5 just in about an hour span was odd.  Then I got a notification that someone had posted a link on the cash mob's wall.  The link went to this msnNOW article:  'Cash Mobs' flood local businesses with shoppers.  The article gives a link straight to the Muskegon County Cash Mobs page!  How cool is that?!  Through that article, our facebook page began to grow immediately and also received a number of comments on our wall as well.  It is the  most activity the page has seen.

I am not sure why msnNOW chose the Muskegon cash mob to focus on as we are not the originators of this concept, but it was great that they did! The other odd thing is that the woman who posted the link to the page deleted it almost as fast as she had posted it.  So it was sort of a phantom posting just to let me know that this article was out there, perhaps?  The whole thing is a bit strange to me, but I am definitely not complaining.  The cash mobs concept is gaining great moment. indicates that there have been mobs reported in more than 100 cities now! 

Please feel free to contact me or go to one of the sites above if you would like more information on how to throw a cash mob event in your area!  And as always, your comments are welcome below as well.  Thank you!

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