So this evening I did a search on Women's Magazines. One thing that showed up was this list on Wikipedia of all women's magazines that are geared towards a woman audience. The reason behind the search was I was trying to think of what magazines would have stories about career women, women empowerment, etc. Just felt like being inspired by other women, or something. Honestly, not even really sure of what my original intent was.
I scanned the list looking for names I was familiar with: Allure, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Family Circle, Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart Living, Redbook, Self, Shape, to name a few. I went to several of the websites for these magazines looking for articles on careers, businesswomen, entrepreneurs... anything inspiring. I was astounded at how little I could find.
The majority of magazines geared towards women are ones featuring celebrities, style/fashion, relationships, or how to be a good mom/homemaker. So I began to wonder... are women really primarily only interested in these topics or is it that is just what publishers THINK we want to read about? Why is it that the only advice we can get from magazines is on relationships, parenting, or how to style our hair? We seriously have a magazine, and a popular one at that, called "Good Housekeeping." Is it one of those things that you have seen your whole life so you just don't think about its meaning anymore? GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Maybe I am more offended by the name than I should be, but haven't women come far enough along that it would warrant changing the name of the magazine?
I don't consider myself an ultra feminist, but I do consider myself a career woman that enjoys a good read on other career woman. I want to hear stories on how they made it to the top of a corporation, started their own successful business, how they handle a career and a family, and other positive stories of women who make a difference.
Aside from pigeon holding women as only wanting to read about how to keep your children happy and how to please your man in the bedroom, so much of the focus is placed on negative content. I know this may sound strange coming from a reality TV addict and a "Real Housewives" junkie, but women spend way too much time and energy cutting each other down. You can't look through a style section of a magazine without a "what were they thinking" / "worst dressed" type of feature. Or the celebrity sections focusing on who's gaining weight, trainwrecked celebs, or who is fighting/suing who. I would like a magazine for young women that does not have to focus on negativity. A magazine that can still cover the topics they currently already do: celebrities, style, relationships, parenting but also FEATURE stories on career women, inspiring women, etc, and not just have it sprinkled in or a blurb here and there. But at the same time keeping the ENTIRE magazine positive. Think anyone would read it? Any magazine recommendations out there?
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